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The Four Unforeseen College Expenses You Should Know About

The Four Unforeseen College Expenses You Should Know About

When it comes to money and college, you and your parents are probably thinking about tuition, books, room decor, school supplies, and maybe clothes. These are four hidden costs of college you need to budget for and a few tips on how to spend less.

1.     Travel: Your travel expenses aren’t just going to be your airplane ticket or gas money to go home during the holidays. You will be spending money on public transportation and ubers when you go out with friends. An important tip is to make sure your friends will split the cost of Uber rides with you. Try to take public transportation as it will be cheaper or see if your college offers a free shuttle.

2.     Laundry: The laundry machines at college all cost money, and if you want clean clothes, you’re going to need to pay for it. Along with the cost of detergent and fabric softener. You can spend anywhere between $3-$12 on laundry a week. There is no real way to get around this cost unless you choose to wash your clothes by hand, so be prepared to pay.

3.     Food: Now, you may say, “I’m on a meal plan. Why would I be spending more money on food?” When you go out with friends, you will be buying food and drinks. Along with eating out, you might also order take out. These costs add up. If you’re on campus, try to eat at the cafeteria to cut this cost down.

4.     Greek Life: If you choose to join a sorority or fraternity, be aware that it can be expensive. You will have to pay a new member fee and membership dues, help pay for parties and fundraisers, and buy your sorority or fraternity’s T-shirts. These costs depend on your college, but expect this to be anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 a year. Before you rush, you should think about how much you really want to be a part of Greek Life. If it’s just for the parties, the cost is not worth it. If you’re joining for a community and a connection to countless successful former members, Greek Life might be for you.

The Top 5 Things I Didn't Know I'd Need to Do for College

The Top 5 Things I Didn't Know I'd Need to Do for College

My Top 13 List for Dealing with Life and Reducing Stress in 2020

My Top 13 List for Dealing with Life and Reducing Stress in 2020