
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

I LOVE My Bad Habits!

I LOVE My Bad Habits!

Seriously, they make my life much easier because when they take over, I don't have to think.   When I'm feeling lazy or suffering "decision fatigue" about what to make for dinner,  I just grab my cell phone, place an order with a few key strokes and in 30 minutes or less, I have fresh, hot pizza delivered right to my apartment door. I don't even have to TALK to anyone.  

COVID rules in my building added some friction to my bad habit by not allowing delivery people beyond the lobby.  I responded by dispatching my teenage daughter (much to her annoyance) to pick everything up. Woo hoo!! Problem solved! 

Now, however, my darling child is off at college picking up her own food, leaving me at home feeling a little like Rapunzel.  And I have to confess, as much as I LOVE pizza, I am so lazy, that I have stopped ordering out because I don't want to go downstairs to pick it up.  It's ridiculous, I know, because the alternatives are starving or cooking again.  (I chose cooking, fyi.)

So now what? I'm in un-chartered waters to be sure.  Cooking for myself with no race or bodybuilding competition to prepare for and no one else to please, is HARD. Why?

  • I'm overwhelmed by the choices. 

  • Replacing bad habits with good ones is exhausting.

  • I don't have a system. 

I decided to make Thanksgiving my next "sporting event."  To train for the big day, I set some weight, exercise and nutrition goals, and I'm using the measurement and meal prepping tools I use when preparing for competitions to achieve them.  (I talk about the importance of measurement tools in a previous post and you can download a free copy of the things I use by clicking the link in my bio.)

Since I hate writing long posts as much as I hate reading them, I'll end with this: To keep myself accountable, I'll regularly post my progress over the next 5.7 weeks (yes, Thanksgiving is only 40 days away from today!!) 

2020 - The Winter Solstice of the 21st Century

2020 - The Winter Solstice of the 21st Century

Top 10 Things You Need for Your College Dorm

Top 10 Things You Need for Your College Dorm