
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

What To Do When You Need a Little Inspiration

What To Do When You Need a Little Inspiration

I have a bad habit. I procrastinate, as many of my regular readers may know. It can take an entire army to get me off my butt to get me to do work. However, this doesn’t mean I can’t focus or do work. When the inspiration comes, I focus like no other to the point where I can’t hear people speaking to me in the same room. Once I realized this was my pattern -that it takes some sort of magical divine inspiration to get me to do my work- I came to the conclusion that I need to figure out a way to channel that inspiration. So I asked myself, what inspires me? My answer to this question was simple: I have no freaking clue. So what do I do? What must I discover about myself in order to be able to channel my inspiration-drive on command? Well, that's the purpose of this blog, folks. Today, I’m discussing with you all on how to channel that feeling or groove you need to get your butt into a productive motion.

It took me a while to figure out my inspiration, almost a year, in fact. I thought about it for a few minutes every now and then when I realized I had a project due in two days and I should probablyyyy start it soon, but then I looked down at the new Shane Dawson conspiracy video and decided that, eh, I can pull it off the night before. Then came the night before, and I hated myself and was stressed OUT. The point of me sharing this experience is that most of the time it took for me to discover my inspiration was me realizing that I need to sit down, think, and devote time to discovering my passion, even if that meant meditating on a yoga mat with some essential oils or something. Devoting time JUST to discover your drive is key in finding it. Think about what makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, what your goals and dreams are, what you want to do with your life and future! Finding that *something* takes some serious sit-down thought you need to allot for yourself.

Now, you’ve created the time to focus on finding your fire. What’s next? Well, I already said it; think about your drive and passion, what wakes you up in the morning and what you look forward to the next day. Meditate on your aspirations and your goals for your life and future. Finding something you love and live for is an inspiration to get that stupid school stuff out of the way so you get one step closer to getting that success story or to becoming that kid in your high school class that became wildly rich and famous. Thinking about being that perfect version of yourself, I find, causes a person to recognize school not as a chore, but as a stepping stone to becoming that ideal person or getting that ideal lifestyle. It changes your perspective on school completely, even for just a day. Yeah, sometimes you’re gonna be like, “ugh, screw this history project that I won’t remember in a month,” but if you just think about how finishing this project now means your one step closer to being that independent adult out of school and living the life, you’re gonna wanna do it more. In short, devote some time to realizing your wishes, dreams, and goals for your life whether short or long term and next time when you feel like school is a drag, college essays are going to be thrown out after I get into school and that one math test won’t completely ruin my grade if I don’t study for it, think about those dreams, and you may just feel inspired to get a little closer to them.

Surviving Your First Post-College Job

Surviving Your First Post-College Job

How To Stop Procrastinating and Distracting Yourself

How To Stop Procrastinating and Distracting Yourself