
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

So, How's School Going?... and Other Interrogations

So, How's School Going?... and Other Interrogations

Happy Presidents’ Day Week. If you spend your break like many people do, you’ll understand that, sometimes, Family. Is. Grueling. Believe me, I love my family, but there are always those relatives that drive you nuts. That aunt that always thinks she’s better than everyone else, or those cousins that only talk to each other and refuse to hang with you, or the uncle who has bought you the same gift three years in a row (who gives dominoes to a 16 year old, and three years in a row, at that?). You have the family you never see, too, and they ask you all that personal information that you might not want to give, or the classic question: “So, how’s school going?”

I hate that question. It’s something that they can judge you on, and it’s personal. Then they ask you your grades. To me, asking that question is like asking how much money you make. When you spend time with family and they ask you stuff you don’t wanna talk about, give them mundane answers, or turn it around on them. Start asking THEM lots of questions. In some cases, I even lie because I don’t like them and I want to look good. I know no one will tell them otherwise…buuuuuuut… I wouldn’t recommend that route XD… if you’re afraid your parents might share some information about you that you don’t want shared, like some pictures of you as a baby you don’t want to see for the 50th time, or your current relationship, talk to them before you see your family, not once you’re there. I do this with my mom, ‘cuz we have a very good relationship. However, even if your relationship with your parents isn’t so strong, I still recommend doing this. Why? Because it could strengthen your relationship, #1, and #2, it is upfront, honest, and adult-like. Doing stuff like this will not only make you look really good, but may even help in the long run with convincing your parents that, I don’t know, you can stay out past 10 or have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Communication is key, which is why, when you see your family during the holidays, set conversation boundaries politely beforehand, and delicately deter your nosey family members with mundane responses, turning the conversation back on them, or changing the subject. Family is a pain in the butt sometimes, but I promise it’ll be better when you decide to take control of the conversation.

Stay Your Ass in School

Stay Your Ass in School

Intro to Gossip

Intro to Gossip